Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A day in the life of a mother of two under two!

Yes i know not a very flattering picture. But lets be real here, i get 6 hours of sleep, i have two babies, and i just don't always have the time i'd like to look fabulous! Can i? sure. but when is my next date night....? Anyway this is not how my room looks all the time. it was laundry day, which is like twice a week. the clutter is normal tho, i can't seem to control it. I think little gnomes clutter things up while im sleeping, thats what im telling myself anyway.
My little helper. Okay she doesn't help at all, she really is very counter productive to my clean cause. But with a smile like that i usually just frown (and try not to smile at her less than lovely behavior). In the picture she is playing on my phone. buying stuff no doubt!
Deacon thrown in with the laundry. Which is not very smart if i want to keep it all clean. His reflux has been overwhelming, his burp cloth's well actually any fabric that come near him is blessed with spit-up.
Me taking time to enjoy my boy. I just love all his cuddles. And i get as many kisses as i can.I am so thankful and filled with pride when i look at him.
This is a crime scene photo. The crime paralysis via boredom. This is what happens when her little brother is very hungry and i have nothing for her to do. today she was ready for me to put him down and said "deacdee night-night (pointing to the bed) peeeez!"
Papa to the rescue.....

Eden is driving papa's van. Well not really but she is pretending, but its convincing! The times my dad is home to do whatever he does is nice because Eden likes to join him. she was "helping" him clean out his van in these pictures.

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