So I'd say I knew this time would come, but in reality i was silently hoping to be immune. Or rather that Eden would be immune. What am I talking about, well the title says it all, the "terrible two's". Exhibit one: the picture above is the result of momma (me, which she refers to as wershy on occasion, and yes wershy is her version of mercy) not giving her the exact attention she wanted. My terrible two was trying to swat me and missed, which caused her face to become acquainted with the coffee table. And yes that is blood on her face. Eden has now experienced her first bloody nose.

My little nudist. Okay well this is a newly acquired skill. She has taught herself how to get almost completely undressed. this picture was taken after i came back from changing the babies diaper to find her trying to redress herself.

This is just one of those cute moments that help make the less than savory ones more palatable. They can be very fleeting though.....sigh*

i think i may paint this picture. i like all the texture. Eden will wonder around the back yard until i make her come inside with me. she tries to get into all the tight weedy spaces the dogs wander. She is very curious. Or at least she doesn't want anyone else experiencing an adventure without her.

Spider-girl! its really more like daddy's-girl. the older she gets the more of his undivided attention she demands. And more than not her daddy complies. He is tightly wrapped.

Okay this isn't the most flattering picture of her, but i think she is so cute when she sleeps. i believe she needs as many kisses as she'll let me give her, maybe more.
1 comment:
I was wondering were that spidey shirt went. So cute!
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