Baby Jesus, to be exact. It's one of my favorite parts of Eden's preschool experience, all the scripture she is taught. This Christmas she chatted about baby Jesus birthday all the time, because her teacher was telling her class about it for weeks. For one thing she loves birthdays. Talking about birthdays, singing about about birthdays, and even planning them. Being that she isn't quite three yet she is just now able to really enjoy all the festivities of the holidays. It's really great to see these realizations
From the perspective of a two year old. She has now added to her singing list. It goes as follows:
-happy birthday
- Jesus
- pretty colors
- queens/princesses
- La La (yes the sound or words r sung with lots of conviction)
Anyhow she usually sings all of those In Varying combinations. I try to get her to sing the songs she has learned at school but evidently she feels more passionate about her originals. Rightly so I guess. And this Christmas her lyrical prowess has grown, along with the need to serenade Deacon and I regularly.
So now I really get why Christmas is so fun for parents. I want to see Eden and Deacon make long lasting wonderful memories. I want their memories to be warm and happy.
This desire has increased bc i've spoken to so many people this year who loathe Christmas. Which makes me a little sad. Sometimes I feel like they say it because being sentimental isn't "cool" but anti establishment is way awesomer! Whatever. However then I talk to some that truly feel aching in there hearts when they think on Christmas. Somehow, somewhere on their journey Satan has robbed them of the precious experiences that give one the feeling of home and love. Their memories don't bring up emotions that cause them joy. So I just have to pray that somehow somewhere that Jesus will heal that in their hearts. That when they think back and look forward they can smile. This is such a burden on my heart for my children. I know hard times come and mark us, but I just plead with God to never let those scars and cuts and bruises hold my children back from experiencing the fullness of Christ and of life. That when Eden is belting out her thoughts she does it because the love of Jesus has inspired her heart to sing out. That when Deacon is exploring its because he is excited to discover more of God, not just running away from what he deems as boring. Well to be honest I plead those things for my life as well.
I hope that in this new year that we can all relish the holidays and that we make warm memories and most of all we can explore this world with zeal and the lyrics of praise on our lips.
Happy New Year!
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